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# Item Type Title Creator(s) Year Added
101 bookSection Ancient DNA and Cultural Evolution Shennan_et_al -
102 encyclopediaArticle Ancient Egypt Estes_Selin 2008
103 book Ancient Israel: Its Life and Institutions De_Vaux 1997
104 book Ancient Jewish Coins Reifenberg 1965
105 book Ancient North America: the archaeology of a continent Fagan 1995
106 bookSection Ancient polities: Archaeological Survey in a Metropolis and its Colony Ogundiran_Agbaje-Williams 2017
107 book Ancient records of Assyria and Babylonia D.D 1927
108 journalArticle Antiochus III: A Friend and Ally of the Roman People Dmitriev 2011
109 bookSection Arabic - -
110 bookSection Arabic McArthur_McArthur 2003
111 book Archaeological Perspective of India Since Independence Dikshit 1985
112 journalArticle Archaeological discontinuity and ethnic duality in Elam Amiet 1979
113 book Archaeologies of Cosmoscapes in the Americas Giles_Stauffer_Lambert 2022
114 bookSection Archaic City Seals and the Question of Early Babylonian Unity Steinkeller_Abush 1999
115 book Architecture of Minoan Crete: Constructing Identity in the Aegean Bronze Age McEnroe 2010
116 bookSection Architektura Ur III. Budownictwo sakralne Makowski_Szelag 2007
117 book Aristocrats and Servitors: The Boyar Elite in Russia, 1613-1689 Crummey 1983
118 journalArticle Aristocrats, Slaves, and Peasants: Power and Dependency in the Wolof States, 1700-1850 Searing 1988
119 book Arming the Periphery: The Arms Trade in the Indian Ocean during the Age of Global Empire Chew 2012
120 webpage Arnulf - Deutsche Biographie Biographie -
121 book Art and Religion in Thera: Reconstructing a Bronze Age Society Marinatos 1984
122 encyclopediaArticle Artaxerxes I Schmitt 1986
123 journalArticle Artemisia in Herodotus Munson 1988
124 journalArticle As in heaven, so on earth: The politics of Visnu, Šiva and Harihara images in Preangkorian Khmer civilisation LAVY 2003
125 journalArticle Asia in the Horn. The Indian Ocean Trade in Somaliland González-Ruibal_et_al 2021
126 journalArticle Asia in the Horn. The Indian Ocean Trade in Somaliland González-Ruibal_et_al 2021
127 book Asian Expansions: The Historical Experiences of Polity Expansion in Asia Wade 2014
128 book Aspects of Minoan Cult Sacred Enclosures: The Evidence from the Syme Sanctuary (Crete) Lebessi_Muhly 1990
129 journalArticle Assault and Abduction: the Fate of the Royal Image in the Ancient Near East Bahrani 1995
130 bookSection Asshur, Mitanni, and Arrapkhe Jankowska_Diakonoff_Kohl 1991
131 encyclopediaArticle Astyages Schmitt 1987
132 webpage Asuka and Nara Periods (538–794) Department_of_Asian_Art 2002
133 bookSection Athenian ideas about Cretan pederasty Dodd_Hubbard 2000
134 journalArticle Atheology and Buddhalogy in Dharmakīrti’s Pramānavārttika Jackson 1999
135 journalArticle Atherosclerosis and diet in ancient Egypt David_Kershaw_Heagerty 2010
136 journalArticle Attention deficits linked with proclivity to explore while foraging Barack_et_al 2024
137 preprint Autocurricula and the Emergence of Innovation from Social Interaction: A Manifesto for Multi-Agent Intelligence Research Leibo_et_al 2019
138 journalArticle Autonomous Mental Development by Robots and Animals Weng_et_al 2001
139 book Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom: China, the West, and the epic story of the Taiping Civil War Platt 2012
140 book Aux origines de l'hellénisme: la Crète et la Grèce : hommage à Henri van Effenterre Effenterre 1984
141 encyclopediaArticle Avesta i: Survey of the History and Contents of the Book Kellens 1987
142 bookSection Axos, a Cretan City (1200-500 BC) Tegou_Gaignerot-Driessen_Driessen 2014
143 book Az Árpád-ház uralkodói Kristó_Makk 1995
144 bookSection Aï Khanum Catalog Bernard_Hiebert_Cambon 2011
145 encyclopediaArticle Babism MacEoin 1988
146 book Babylon Oates 1986
147 encyclopediaArticle Babylon Cardascia 1988
148 book Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization Kriwaczek 2014
149 bookSection Babylonians Schiedel 2011
150 newspaperArticle Bahrain digs unveil one of oldest civilisations - 2013
151 bookSection Bali: Myth, Magic and Morbidity Lovric_Owen 1987
152 book Banking Theory Law & Practice Rajesh 2009
153 bookSection Banquet, Marzeah, Symposion, and Symposium during the Iron Age: Disparity and Mimicry Nijboer_de_Angelis 2013
154 encyclopediaArticle Basilica of St. Peter Baumgarten_Herbermann 1913
155 book Bathing in Public in the Roman World Fagan 2002
156 book Bayerns Weg in die Gegenwart: Vom Stammesherzogtum zum Freistaat heute Hartmann 2012
157 book Becoming Inka: The Transformation of Political Place and Practice During Inka State Formation (Cusco, Peru). Kosiba 2010
158 bookSection Before Athens: Early Popular Government in Phoenicia and Greek City-States Stockwell_Isakhan_Stockwell 2011
159 book Before the State: Systemic Political Change in the West from the Greeks to the French Revolution Osiander 2007
160 journalArticle Being a ‘not-quite-Buddhist theist’ Rooney 2022
161 book Beiträge zum Inschriftenwerk Assurbanipals: die Prismenklassen A, B, C Borger_Borger 1996
162 bookSection Between Alexandria and Antioch. Jews and Judaism in the Hellenistic period Greenspoon 1998
163 bookSection Between Marginality and Celebrity: Entertainers and Entertainments in Roman Society Leppin_Peachin 2011
164 book Between Republic and Empire: Interpretations of Augustus and His Principate Raaflaub_Toher_Bowersock 1990
165 book Biblical Affirmations of Woman Swidler 1979
166 journalArticle Big Is Sometimes Best: The Sokoto Caliphate and Economic Advantages of Size in theTextile Industry Philip_J. 2006
167 journalArticle Biomechanics of locomotion in Asian elephants Genin_et_al 2010
168 book Black Legacies: Race and the European Middle Ages Ramey 2014
169 report Black swans, economics, and the meaning of life Greenfield 2020
170 journalArticle Boat remains and maritime trade in the Persian Gulf during the sixth and fifth millennium BC Carter 2006
171 book Bolesław Chrobry: lew ryczący = Bolesław Chrobry: a roaring lion Urbańczyk 2017
172 journalArticle Bones of Contention: The Political Economy of Height Inequality Boix_Rosenbluth 2014
173 journalArticle Bones, teeth, and estimating age of perinates: Carthaginian infant sacrifice revisited Schwartz_et_al 2012
174 book Breaking Together: A Freedom-loving Response to Collapse Bendell 2023
175 book Breaking the Chains: Slavery, Bondage, and Emancipation in Modern Africa and Asia Klein 1993
176 journalArticle Breaking the Overton Window: on the need for adversarial co-production Johnson_et_al 2023
177 bookSection Broadening Our Horizons: Towards an Interdisciplinary Prehistory of the Andes BERESFORD-JONES_et_al 2012
178 journalArticle Bronze Alloys from Canaan During the Middle Bronze Age Rosenfeld_Ilani_Dvorachek 1997
179 bookSection Buddhism Cole_et_al 2006
180 book Buddhism in the Shadow of Brahmanism Bronkhorst 2011
181 encyclopediaArticle Buddhist Culture in Early Modern Japan Hur 2019
182 bookSection Building a new army: Military reform in Qajar Iran CRONIN 2008
183 bookSection Bureaucracy and the Administrative System of Ancient World-State Persian Empire: Implications for Modern Administration Farazmand_Farazmand 2009
184 journalArticle Bureaucracy in Japan Pempel 1992
185 bookSection Buttress-recess Architecture and Status Symbolism in the Ubaid Period Sieverstein_Carter_Philip 2010
186 encyclopediaArticle Buyids Nagel 1990
187 bookSection Byzantium Chazan_De_Lange 2018
188 book Byzantium in the Iconoclast Era (ca.680-850): The Sources ; an Annotated Survey Brubaker_Haldon_Ousterhout 2001
189 encyclopediaArticle CENTRAL ASIA xiii. Iranian Languages Steblin-Kamenskij 1990
190 preprint CRISES AVERTED How A Few Past Societies Found Adaptive Reforms in the Face of Structural- Demographic Crises Hoyer_et_al 2022
191 bookSection Calamities without Collapse: Environment, Economy, and Society in China, ca. 1800–1949 Pomeranz_McAnany,_Patricia_A_Yoffee 2010
192 book Cambodia Ray 2005
193 encyclopediaArticle Cambyses Dandamayev 1990
194 book Camel Irwin 2010
195 book Canaan and Israel in Antiquity: A Textbook on History and Religion: Second Edition Noll 2013
196 book Canaan in the Second Millennium B.C.E.: Collected Essays, volume 2 Na'aman 2005
197 newspaperArticle Canada faces a series of 'crises' that will test it in the coming years, RCMP warns Thompson 2024
198 journalArticle Cancer in Egypt and Nubia Esche_et_al 2010
199 book Cane Fires: The Anti-Japanese Movement in Hawaii, 1865-1945 Okihiro 1992
200 bookSection Capital Manning_et_al 2014
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