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# Item Type Title Creator(s) Year Added
1 bookSection NO_TITLES_PROVIDED - -
2 journalArticle NO_TITLES_PROVIDED - -
3 bookSection "Following the Debt": Credit and Debt in Southeast Asian Legal Theory and Practice, 1400-1800 Boomgaard_Henley_Boomgaard 2009
4 bookSection "The Depositing of the Embryo" - Temple Consecration Rituals in the Hindu Tradition of South and Southeast Asia: A Study of the Textual and Archaeological Evidence Ślączka_et_al 2011
5 webpage 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Wladislaus - Wikisource, the free online library - -
6 book 7.4.1348 ustavení Koruny království českého: český stát Karla IV Bobková 2006
7 journalArticle A 'Share' in the 'World Empire': Nayamkara as Sovereignty in Practice at Vijayanagara, 1480–1580 Chekuri 2012
8 journalArticle A 3.5 ka record of paleoenvironments and human occupation at Angkor Borei, Mekong Delta, southern Cambodia Bishop_et_al 2003
9 book A Brief History of Chinese Civilization Schirokauer_Brown 2012
10 webpage A Brief History of Russian Icons Vandor 2021
11 journalArticle A Comparative Look at Halaf and Ubaid Period Social Complexity and the Tell Kurdu Case Özbal 2010
12 book A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian Black_George_Postgate 2000
13 journalArticle A Guide to Writing Mathematics Lee -
15 book A Hand-book for Travellers in Central Italy: Including the Papal States, Rome, and the Cities of Etruria Murray_(Firm)_Blewitt 1850
16 book A Handbook of Military Conscription and Composition the World Over Simon_Abdel-Moneim 2011
17 bookSection A Hellenistic Gladius from Jericho Stiebel_Netzer 2004
18 book A History of Ayutthaya: Siam in the Early Modern World Baker_Phongpaichit 2017
19 book A History of Business in Medieval Europe, 1200-1550 Hunt_Murray 1999
20 book A History of Egypt: From the Arab Conquest to the Present Al-Sayyid_Marsot 2007
21 book A History of Ethiopia: Volume IINubia and Abyssinia Budge 1928
22 book A History of Ethiopia: Volume INubia and Abyssinia Budge 1928
23 book A History of Italy 1700-1860: The Social Constraints of Political Change Woolf 2022
24 book A History of Japan Totman 2005
25 book A History of Persia, Volume 1 Sykes 1915
26 webpage A History of Russia by Kluchevsky V. O.: Fine Hardcover (1911) 1st Edition | North Star Rare Books & Manuscripts - -
27 book A History of South East Asia Cotterell 2014
28 book A History of the Early Medieval Siege, C. 450-1220 Purton 2009
29 journalArticle A Longevity Mechanism of Chinese Absolutism Huang_Yang 2022
30 bookSection A Monumental Failure: The Collapse of Susa Hole_Carter_Philip 2010
31 book A Most Holy War: The Albigensian Crusade and the Battle for Christendom Pegg 2008
32 book A New Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome Richardson 1992
33 journalArticle A Note on Lawyers in Muslim India Calkins 1968
34 book A People`s History of India 5 – Mauryan India Habib 2020
35 book A Plague of Insurrection: Popular Politics and Peasant Revolt in Flanders, 1323-1328 TeBrake 1993
36 book A Residence in the Sandwich Islands Stewart 1839
37 book A Sea Dyak Dictionary, in Alphabetical Parts, with Examples and Quotations Shewing the Use and Meaning of Words Howell_Bailey 1900
38 book A Short History of Europe, 1600-1815: Search for a Reasonable World Rosner_Theibault 2015
39 book A Short History of the Middle Ages, Volume II: From c.900 to c.1500, Fifth Edition Rosenwein 2018
40 journalArticle A Sign in the Sky: Dating the League of the Haudenosaunee Mann_Fields 1997
41 bookSection A Snake in the Grass: Reassessing the Ever-intriguing Ophidian Figurines Daems_Carter_Phillip 2010
42 bookSection A South Indian Copper Sword and Its Significance Allchin_Van_Lohuizen-De_Leeuw 1979
43 bookSection A Tale of Two Oikumenai: Variation in the Expansionary Dynamics of ʿUbaid and Uruk Mesopotamia Stein_Özbal_Stone 2007
44 journalArticle A Textbook of Heterodox Economics Turchin 2023
45 book A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome Planter 1929
46 book A Woodland Creation Story Bardeau 2017
47 thesis A bioarchaeological examination of the skeletal remains of Warring States period Tuchengzi, Inner Mongolia, China Hardy 2015
48 book A concise history of Hungary Molnár 2001
49 book A concise history of the Russian Orthodox Church Kent 2021
50 book A global chronology of conflict: from the ancient world to the modern Middle East Tucker 2010
51 book A history of Prussia Koch 1978
52 journalArticle A learning agent that acquires social norms from public sanctions in decentralized multi-agent settings Vinitsky_et_al 2023
53 book A map history of Russia Catchpole 1974
54 book A modern history of the Kurds McDowall 2004
55 journalArticle A multiscale inflammatory map: linking individual stress to societal dysfunction Vodovotz_et_al 2024
56 journalArticle A new decision sciences for complex systems Lempert 2002
57 book A political economy of space: social organization and the production of an Iron Age settlement landscape in Northern Karnataka Johansen 2008
58 journalArticle A review essay on End Times: Elites, Counter-Elites, and the Path of Political Disintegration by Peter Turchin (Penguin Random House 2023) Goldstone 2023
59 journalArticle A strontium isotope analysis on the relationship between ritual tooth ablation and migration among the Jomon people in Japan Kusaka_et_al 2009
60 journalArticle AHR Conversation: Environmental Historians and Environmental Crisis Hoffmann_et_al 2008
61 journalArticle ARCHEOLOGY: Guild Structure and Political Allegiance in Early Achaemenid Mesopotamia. David B. Weisberg Wright 1970
62 book Abraham and Chedorlaomer: Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence Gertoux 2015
63 book Abraham of Ur: A Critical Analysis of the Life and Times of the Patriarch Snyder 2015
64 book Absolute Monarchs: A History of the Papacy Norwich 2012
65 book Accounting for Affection: Mothering and Politics in Early Modern Rome Castiglione 2015
66 journalArticle Accuracy and social motivations shape judgements of (mis) information Rathje_et_al 2023
67 journalArticle Achaemenid Religion Skjærvø 2014
68 book Adaptation in natural and artificial systems: an introductory analysis with applications to biology, control, and artificial intelligence Holland 1992
69 report Adapting the community sector for climate extremes Mallon_et_al 2013
70 bookSection Adaptive Social Learning: Social Learning Strategies and their Applications Kendal_et_al -
71 journalArticle Administrative Timekeeping in Ancient Mesopotamia Englund 1988
72 bookSection Administrative literature Latham_et_al 1990
73 book Admonitions on Governing the People: Manual for All Administrators Yagyong_Byonghyon 2010
74 webpage Adolf von Nassau - Deutsche Biographie Biographie -
75 bookSection African political, economic and social structures during this period Diagne_Ogot 1992
76 book Against a Hindu God: Buddhist Philosophy of Religion in India Patil 2009
77 book Agent-based modeling for archaeology: simulating the complexity of societies Romanowska_Wren_Crabtree 2021
78 journalArticle Aging cremated infants: the problem of sacrifice at the Tophet of Carthage Smith_et_al 2011
79 book Aging: How Aging Works, How We Reverse Aging, and Prospects for Curing Aging Diseases Fossel 2024
80 bookSection Agra Bloom_Blair 2009
81 book Agrarian Economy in Andhra Under Vijayanagar Jayasree 1991
82 bookSection Ahmad Teguder's Second Letter to Qalaun (682/1283) Pfeiffer_Pfeiffer_Quinn 2006
83 book Air Pollution in the Ural Mountains Linkov_Wilson 1998
84 encyclopediaArticle Akkadian. Akkadian Empire. Weiss_Peregrine_Ember 2002
85 bookSection Albrecht Achilles Historische_Commission_bei_der_königl._Akademie_der_Wissenschaften 1875
86 webpage Albrecht I. - Deutsche Biographie Biographie -
87 book Alexander I: Gegenspieler Napoleons Palmer_et_al 1982
88 encyclopediaArticle Alexander the Great Briant 1985
89 book Alexander the Great Cartledge 2004
90 journalArticle All Crises are Unhappy in their Own Way: The role of societal instability in shaping the past Hoyer_et_al 2024
91 book Amenhotep III: Egypt's Radiant Pharaoh Kozloff 2012
92 journalArticle An Achaemenid Symbol, II Farnah (' God Given Fortune Symbolised'). AMI 13 119 147 Shahbazi 1980
93 journalArticle An Archaic Hoard from Crete and the Early Aeginetan Coinage Holloway 1971
94 journalArticle An Archaic Recording System in the Uruk-Jemdet Nasr Period Schmandt-Besserat 1979
95 bookSection An Aspect of the Ubaid Intrusion in the Syrian Upper Euphrates Valley Yamazaki_Carter_Phillip 2010
96 book An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices Harvey 2013
97 book An Introduction to Norwegian Dialects Husby 2008
98 bookSection An Old Palace period Knossos state Cadogan_et_al 1994
99 journalArticle An evolutionary approach to norms Axelrod 1986
100 book An introduction to the Bible Kugler_Hartin 2009
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