Seshat: Global History Databank

✓ the most current and comprehensive body of knowledge about human history
✓ collects what is currently known about the social and political organization of human societies over time
✓ offers the means to study the past through well-established scientific techniques
✓ founded in 2011 and thriving ever since


General Variables
26 variables 8849 records

Alternative Name (Identity and Location)

Polity Peak Years (Temporal Bounds)

Polity Capital (Identity and Location)

Polity Language (Language)

Polity Religion (Religion)

Degree of Centralization (Temporal Bounds)

Succeeding Entity (Supra-cultural relations)

Relationship to Preceding Entity (Supra-cultural relations)

and 18 more ... for 529 Polities

Social Complexity Variables
77 variables 20461 records

Polity Territory (Social Scale)

Polity Population (Social Scale)

Settlement Hierarchy (Hierarchical Complexity)

Irrigation System (Specialized Buildings: polity owned)

Merit Promotion (Bureaucracy Characteristics)

Formal Legal Code (Law)

Road (Transport Infrastructure)

Postal Station (Information / Postal System)

and 69 more ... for 506 Polities

Warfare Variables
49 variables 17527 records

Bronze (Military use of Metals)

Javelin (Projectiles)

Battle Axe (Handheld Weapons)

Sword (Handheld Weapons)

Horse (Animals used in warfare)

Small Vessels (canoes, etc) (Naval technology)

Shield (Armor)

Wooden Palisade (Fortifications)

and 41 more ... for 373 Polities

Human Sacrifice
357 records

Cahokia - Late Woodland II: Absent 450 CE 599 CE

Oaxaca - Rosario: Present 700 BCE 501 BCE

Early Angkor: Absent 802 CE 1100 CE

Elam I: Absent 900 BCE 744 BCE

The Old Palace Crete: Absent 1900 BCE 1701 BCE

Parthian Empire I: Absent 143 BCE 24 CE

Cahokia - Sand Prairie: Present 1275 CE 1399 CE

Neolithic Crete: Unknown 7000 BCE 3001 BCE

and 349 more ... coded for 323 Polities


Power Transitions
Overturn / Intra-Elite / Military Revolt / Popular Uprising / Separatist Rebellion / External Invasion / External Interference / Predecessor Assassination 
1681 CE 1683 CE (Kingdom of Cayor)
Detye Maram N'Galgu Faly
Overturn Intra-Elite Predecessor Assassination
64 BCE (Seleucids)
Philip II end of polity
1861 CE 1870 CE (Brandenburg-Prussia)
William I end of polity
1813 CE 1823 CE (British East India Company)
The Marquess of Hastings John Adam
955 CE 959 CE (Gurjar-Pratihara Dynasty)
Mahipala II Vijayapala II
1851 CE 1868 CE (Rattanakosin)
Rama IV (Phrachomklao/Mongkut) Rama V (Phrachulachomklao/Chulalongkorn)
1327 CE 1353 CE (Late Angkor)
Jayavarmaparamesvara Hou-eul-na
422 CE 424 CE (Western Jin)
Shao of (Liu) Song (Liu Yifu, Prince of Yingyang) Wen of (Liu) Song
Overturn Intra-Elite Predecessor Assassination

and 3441 more ... coded for 259 Polities

Crisis Consequences
Population Decline / Population Collapse / Elite Downward Mobility / Elite Extermination / Uprising / Revolution / Successful Revolution / Civil War / Lasted > a Century / Capital Loss / External Conquest / Ruler Assassination / Ruler Depose / Constitution Change / Labor Change / Unfree Labor Change / Suffrage / Public Goods Change / Religion Change 
453 CE 469 CE (Kingdom of the Huns)
Internal Power Struggles and end of the Hun Empire
Fragmentation Ruler Assassination
1140 BCE 1030 BCE (Phoenician Empire)
Phoenecian Cities Conflicts
Civil War
1550 CE 1590 CE (Hawaii II)
Dynastic Crisis
Elite Downward Mobility Uprising Ruler Assassination Ruler Depose
1823 CE 1895 CE (Ashanti Empire)
Series of Wars against the British (Anglo-Ashanti Wars)
Elite Downward Mobility Elite Extermination Uprising Revolution Civil War Capital Loss External Conquest Ruler Depose Constitution Change
551 CE (Rouran Khaganate)
Overthrow of Rouran Khaganate by Turkic peoples
Elite Downward Mobility Elite Extermination External Conquest
1455 CE 1487 CE (Plantagenet England)
Wars of the Roses
Population Decline Epidemic Elite Downward Mobility Uprising Civil War Ruler Assassination Ruler Depose
1335 CE 1339 CE (Ilkhanate)
Fall of the Ilkhanate
Population Decline Epidemic Elite Downward Mobility Elite Extermination Civil War Fragmentation Ruler Assassination Ruler Depose
1562 CE 1598 CE (French Kingdom - Late Valois)
French Wars of Religion
Population Decline Epidemic Elite Downward Mobility Elite Extermination Uprising Civil War Capital Loss Ruler Assassination

and 161 more ... coded for 153 Polities

🇺🇸 US Political Violence Database
Date / Violence Type / Violence Subtype(s) / Location(s) / Fatalities / Narrative / Source(s)

July 1, 1835 Lynching (race) in Mississippi (MS), Livingston: 2 were killed.   Paul A. Gilje, Riots In The United States

Aug. 1, 1909 Lynching (race) in Louisiana (LA), Monroe: 1 was killed.   Paul A. Gilje, Riots In The United States

Aug. 27, 2023 Terrorism (race) in Florida (FL), Jacksonville: 3 were killed.   PBS: Public Broadcasting Service

Oct. 1, 1913 Riot (labor) in Colorado (CO), Forbes: 1 was killed.   Paul A. Gilje, Riots In The United States

Aug. 1, 1852 Riot in Ohio (OH), Fremont: 1 was killed.   Hartford Daily Courant Or The Hartford Courant

July 1, 1877 Riot (labor) in Pennsylvania (PA), Reading: 16 were killed.   Encyclopaedia Britannica

Dec. 1, 1907 Riot (race) in Kentucky (KY), Hopkinsville: 1 was killed.   Paul A. Gilje, Riots In The United States

Jan. 1, 1868 Lynching (extralegal) in Tennessee (TN), Nashville: 1 was killed.   Paul A. Gilje, Riots In The United States

and 1895 more ...