The Basin or Valley of Mexico is a highlands plateau in central Mexico roughly corresponding to modern-day Mexico City. Here, we are interested in the phase of its prehistory known as the Archaic or Pre-Ceramic period (c. 6000-2001 BCE). This period may be described as a long, gradual transition from a lifestyle centred on big-game hunting prevalent in the preceding "Paleo-Indian" period to a sedentary, agricultural lifestyle in the succeeding "Formative" period. Indeed, Archaic sites are defined by their lack of both large animal remains and ceramics.
No population estimates could be found in the consulted literature. Similarly, no information could be found on the political organisation of settlements at the time.
[1]: (Kennett 2012: 141) Seshat URL:
inferred Absent |
inferred Absent |
inferred Absent |
inferred Absent |
inferred Absent | 6000 BCE 4001 BCE |
Present | 4000 BCE 2001 BCE |
inferred Absent |
inferred Absent |
inferred Absent | 6000 BCE 4001 BCE |
Present | 4000 BCE 2001 BCE |
inferred Absent |
inferred Present |
inferred Absent |
Year Range | Archaic Basin of Mexico (mx_basin_of_mexico_1) was in: |
(6000 BCE 2001 BCE) | Basin of Mexico |
levels. The earliest known village settlement have been found in the Valley of Mexico around 2000 BCE. [1]
[1]: (Emmerich 1963: 20) Seshat URL:
A Middle Archaic example of open-air site is Gheo-Shih [Oaxaca Valley], which is a field marked by boulders and kept clean. This is considered to be one of Mesoamerica’s earliest example of a community-focus structure, such as the plaza, temple-pyramid, and palace, all of which developed in the Formative and later periods. [1]
[1]: (Evans 2004: 92) Seshat URL:
The following suggests that perhaps "community-focus structures" developed later. A Middle Archaic example of open-air site is Gheo-Shih [Oaxaca Valley], which is a field marked by boulders and kept clean. This is considered to be one of Mesoamerica’s earliest example of a community-focus structure, such as the plaza, temple-pyramid, and palace, all of which developed in the Formative and later periods. [1]
[1]: (Evans 2004: 92) Seshat URL:
The following suggests that perhaps "community-focus structures" developed later. A Middle Archaic example of open-air site is Gheo-Shih [Oaxaca Valley], which is a field marked by boulders and kept clean. This is considered to be one of Mesoamerica’s earliest example of a community-focus structure, such as the plaza, temple-pyramid, and palace, all of which developed in the Formative and later periods. [1]
[1]: (Evans 2004: 92) Seshat URL:
The following suggests that perhaps "community-focus structures" developed later. A Middle Archaic example of open-air site is Gheo-Shih [Oaxaca Valley], which is a field marked by boulders and kept clean. This is considered to be one of Mesoamerica’s earliest example of a community-focus structure, such as the plaza, temple-pyramid, and palace, all of which developed in the Formative and later periods. [1]
[1]: (Evans 2004: 92) Seshat URL:
The following suggests that perhaps "community-focus structures" developed later. A Middle Archaic example of open-air site is Gheo-Shih [Oaxaca Valley], which is a field marked by boulders and kept clean. This is considered to be one of Mesoamerica’s earliest example of a community-focus structure, such as the plaza, temple-pyramid, and palace, all of which developed in the Formative and later periods. [1]
[1]: (Evans 2004: 92) Seshat URL:
"Whereas no sites are documented as fortified or military observatories during the Formative and Classic periods, approximately one quarter of sites are during the Epiclassic and one-third of sites are during the Postclassic." [1]
[1]: (Carballo and Pluckhahn 2007: 615) Seshat URL:
"Whereas no sites are documented as fortified or military observatories during the Formative and Classic periods, approximately one quarter of sites are during the Epiclassic and one-third of sites are during the Postclassic." [1]
[1]: (Carballo and Pluckhahn 2007: 615) Seshat URL:
"Whereas no sites are documented as fortified or military observatories during the Formative and Classic periods, approximately one quarter of sites are during the Epiclassic and one-third of sites are during the Postclassic." [1]
[1]: (Carballo and Pluckhahn 2007: 615) Seshat URL:
"Whereas no sites are documented as fortified or military observatories during the Formative and Classic periods, approximately one quarter of sites are during the Epiclassic and one-third of sites are during the Postclassic." [1]
[1]: (Carballo and Pluckhahn 2007: 615) Seshat URL:
"Whereas no sites are documented as fortified or military observatories during the Formative and Classic periods, approximately one quarter of sites are during the Epiclassic and one-third of sites are during the Postclassic." [1]
[1]: (Carballo and Pluckhahn 2007: 615) Seshat URL:
"Whereas no sites are documented as fortified or military observatories during the Formative and Classic periods, approximately one quarter of sites are during the Epiclassic and one-third of sites are during the Postclassic." [1]
[1]: (Carballo and Pluckhahn 2007: 615) Seshat URL:
"Whereas no sites are documented as fortified or military observatories during the Formative and Classic periods, approximately one quarter of sites are during the Epiclassic and one-third of sites are during the Postclassic." [1]
[1]: (Carballo and Pluckhahn 2007: 615) Seshat URL:
"Whereas no sites are documented as fortified or military observatories during the Formative and Classic periods, approximately one quarter of sites are during the Epiclassic and one-third of sites are during the Postclassic." [1]
[1]: (Carballo and Pluckhahn 2007: 615) Seshat URL:
"Metals were another story. Throughout all these times [before 500 BCE], and even much later, they were essentially unused in Mesoamerica. Teotihuacan’s predecessors [...] and Teotihuacan itself used only stone tools". [1]
[1]: (Cowgill 2015: 40) Seshat URL:
"Metals were another story. Throughout all these times [before 500 BCE], and even much later, they were essentially unused in Mesoamerica. Teotihuacan’s predecessors [...] and Teotihuacan itself used only stone tools". [1]
[1]: (Cowgill 2015: 40) Seshat URL:
"Metals were another story. Throughout all these times [before 500 BCE], and even much later, they were essentially unused in Mesoamerica. Teotihuacan’s predecessors [...] and Teotihuacan itself used only stone tools". [1]
[1]: (Cowgill 2015: 40) Seshat URL:
"Metals were another story. Throughout all these times [before 500 BCE], and even much later, they were essentially unused in Mesoamerica. Teotihuacan’s predecessors [...] and Teotihuacan itself used only stone tools". [1]
[1]: (Cowgill 2015: 40) Seshat URL:
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"In Mesoamerica [...] tools that could double as weapons, including handheld spears and spearthrowers (atlatls) [...] have been found as early as 4000 BC". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"In Mesoamerica [...] tools that could double as weapons, including handheld spears and spearthrowers (atlatls) [...] have been found as early as 4000 BC". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"In Mesoamerica [...] tools that could double as weapons, including handheld spears and spearthrowers (atlatls) [...] have been found as early as 4000 BC". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"In Mesoamerica [...] tools that could double as weapons, including handheld spears and spearthrowers (atlatls) [...] have been found as early as 4000 BC". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
The Archaic toolkit included knives. However, it is possible that these were used in hunting rather than warfare. [1]
[1]: (Evans 2004: 74)
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
Hassig lists war dogs among the new military "technologies" the Spanish introduced to the region in the sixteenth century [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992, 143) Hassig, Robert. 1992. War and Society in Ancient Mesoamerica. London; Berkeley: University of California Press. Seshat URL:
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL:
"Little is known about warfare in Mesoamerica before the Middle Formative [...] warfare was relatively unorganized, conducted by small groups armed with unspecialized tool-weapons". [1]
[1]: (Hassig 1992: 12-13) Seshat URL: